
Sanitized Laundry And Dry Cleaning

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Sanitized laundry and dry cleaning refer to processes that go beyond the standard cleaning methods to ensure that clothing and textiles are thoroughly disinfected and free of harmful microorganisms. The goal is to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that may be present on fabrics, providing a higher level of cleanliness and hygiene.

Here are some common methods and practices used for sanitized laundry and dry cleaning:

Heat Treatment

Washing and drying laundry at high temperatures can help kill many types of bacteria and viruses. Hot water washing, followed by drying at elevated temperatures, is a common method to achieve this.

Chemical Disinfection

Some laundry detergents and dry cleaning solvents contain disinfecting agents that help in killing germs. These chemicals are designed to be effective at lower temperatures, providing an additional layer of protection.

Steam Cleaning

Steam is an effective way to kill bacteria and sanitize fabrics. Some industrial laundry machines have steam-cleaning capabilities that can be used to disinfect textiles.